Cloud solutions

Cloud solutions let us keep all information on the cloud rather than on local systems. They are available from any location and any device, 24/7. With cloud solutions architecture, the servers are managed globally.

Cloud solutions

Why it's worth it?


No matter whether you use your phone on the go or a computer at home, you'll get your cloud-based information easily.


Even if some workers are in Japan, some on Bali, and some on Mars, they'll cooperate fast.

Data security

Cloud solutions companies can boast excellent data security. Be sure your secrets are well-guarded.

DEVOTECH team provides:

Publishing to App Store // Play Market

We know how to follow Apple Store and Play Market guidelines to make your apps seen.

Hosting web and desktop apps

We believe good caring is about reduced costs, easy access, security, and backup recovery. We use AWS, Azure, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, and GoDaddy to provide all listed.

Configuring deployment and CI&CD

Furthermore, deployment has never been so qualitative as with CI&CD. Devotech team chose Heroku. tech to deploy at a high-quality level. guidelines to make your apps seen.

How do we work?

Fast and always online
Flexible and easy-going
Responsible for the work

Let’s transform your dreams into cloud-based solutions!